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Well hello there, Let me introduce myself….

Introduce yourself here.  Tell them, your name, what you do, who you help and the problem you solve.

e.g. I’m Linda, coach and business trainer.  I help people who are BORN TO CHANGE LIVES get a website that coverts visitors to buyers.  I created ‘Dreamy Website’ for coaches, consultants and transformational entrepreneurs, just like you, who want a plug and go website that builds their business.and.brand.quickly….

…so you can get on with the job of making your big impact and income

Introduce yourself here.  Tell them, your name, what you do, who you help and the problem you solve.

e.g. I’m Linda, coach and business trainer.  I help people who are BORN TO CHANGE LIVES get a website that coverts visitors to buyers.  I created ‘Dreamy Website’ for coaches, consultants and transformational entrepreneurs, just like you, who want a plug and go website that builds their business.and.brand.quickly….

…so you can get on with the job of making your big impact and income

How I ended up here…with YOU….

Tell them the story of how you came to this point in your life to be able to help them with their problems.  This is where you make a connection and show how you overcame similar challenges that your customers are facing, or an interesting story that will allow them to start to get to know you)

e.g. Over the last 20+ years I’ve helped train over 10,000 people in coaching, business and personal development skills.  Because my passion is helping others transform, I’m here to use my experience to help you realise your dreams for your life and business.

Although I run a successful business and love what I do…it took some time to get here…let me share a bit about my own journey here. (Make this relevant to THEIR problems and it can be as short or as long as necessary depending on your audience needs).

Tell them the story of how you came to this point in your life to be able to help them with their problems.  This is where you make a connection and show how you overcame similar challenges that your customers are facing, or an interesting story that will allow them to start to get to know you.
Here are more details
Either carry on your story here or put a relevant quote or other information about yourself or your customer.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ut enim nec odio feugiat condimentum sit amet eget nibh. Vivamus rhoncus mi at condimentum vestibulum. Phasellus consectetur vel arcu vitae consequat. Aenean odio erat, porttitor id neque sed, convallis consequat sem. Sed posuere turpis ut porta dictum. Phasellus et diam lectus.

Phasellus lorem eros, luctus non magna quis, egestas sodales ligula. Duis id consequat elit. Nullam semper pellentesque massa, quis molestie est efficitur vitae. Maecenas ligula velit, iaculis ac hendrerit quis, suscipit id nisl. Cras vestibulum augue dictum nibh ornare, sed finibus mauris finibus. Suspendisse mollis, nibh ut pellentesque scelerisque, turpis ipsum lacinia est, et semper nisi sem vel mauris.

Either carry on your story here or put a relevant quote or other information about yourself or your customer.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ut enim nec odio feugiat condimentum sit amet eget nibh. Vivamus rhoncus mi at condimentum vestibulum. Phasellus consectetur vel arcu vitae consequat. Aenean odio erat, porttitor id neque sed, convallis consequat sem. Sed posuere turpis ut porta dictum. Phasellus et diam lectus.


How and Why I’m Qualified To Help You

Put your qualifications and experience in here

e.g.  Just so you know I’m ‘legit’…here are a few details about why I’m qualified to help you…

I’ve helped over 10,000 people train in business and coaching

I have a diploma in blah blah

I’ve worked in such and such company etc

Put your qualifications and experience in here

e.g.  Just so you know I’m ‘legit’…here are a few details about why I’m qualified to help you…

I’ve helped over 10,000 people train in business and coaching

I have a diploma in blah blah

I’ve worked in such and such company etc

How I work with you…..
Tell them here how you work with them, your methods of working, tools and techniques and how your training will get them results.

e.g. We’ll have an initial consultation to find your business and personal needs. I use the DREAM model of coaching which allows you to explore your current situation, make goals for the future and find the steps to get there.

(anything else you want to tell them about your approach)

Tell them here how you work with them, your methods of working, tools and techniques and how your training will get them results.

e.g. We’ll have an initial consultation to find your business and personal needs. I use the DREAM model of coaching which allows you to explore your current situation, make goals for the future and find the steps to get there.

(anything else you want to tell them about your approach)

The goal for you……
Finish off with your vision for them and lead them to the services area below

e.g.  I’m here to make sure everything runs smoothly, I’ll have you up and running within 48 hours, your first coaching session booked in and your problems…eating dust!  You’ll be…up…up and away.

Book an initial consultation with me

I’m interested to hear all about you and your business.
Finish off with your vision for them and lead them to the services area below

e.g.  I’m here to make sure everything runs smoothly, I’ll have you up and running within 48 hours, your first coaching session booked in and your problems…eating dust!  You’ll be…up…up and away.

Book an initial consultation with me

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