Hi I’m Karina
Your Anxiety Management Therapist
About You & Me
Let’s Overcome Anxiety & Grow Confident!

Well Hello There
Let me introduce myself…
I’m Karina Day, here to offer you proven solutions for your anxiety and pain.
For over 7 years I’ve been helping those suffering from all types of anxiety, including anxiety disorders, shyness, social and performance phobias and work stress.
Now I’ve brought together all my years of knowledge and experience and put it into a series of coaching and online programs that are crafted with YOU at the heart of it all.
How I ended up here…
my road to you…
On 21st August 2008 I stood in my California kitchen, waiting for my ride to the office. It was a beautiful West Coast day, the sun bouncing off the sparkling glass of the new patio doors. I’d worked so hard to build this dream home, my perfect life…my business empire, everything was seemingly going to plan.
But that day, as I stood there – ‘Boss Lady’ coffee cup at my lips – I felt strangely uneasy; I noticed my hands trembling and after a few minutes, the pins and needles in my fingers were so intense I put down my cup and started frantically trying to shake off the tension.
But as the minutes passed the symptoms grew increasingly alarming; I was hot, dizzy and my heart was pumping too fast. Twenty minutes later, as I lay on the newly varnished floor gasping for breath, I grappled for my phone in terror and slowly typed in the number we all dread having to dial…9…1….1.

If you are hearing this story for the first time, you might be wondering what medical emergency I was experiencing; a heart-attack perhaps? I certainly thought so… but I wasn’t even close.
Because what I had developed was an anxiety disorder so severe, that once the hospital discharged me – having found ‘no medical reason’ for my symptoms – I didn’t leave home for over two years.
I have a lot more to share with you about my story, and you can check out my blog for more information about how I coped (and didn’t cope) while stuck behind four walls in such intense mental anguish.
And luckily my anxious life is not the end of the story because as we all know…every challenge contains hidden treasure, and my world ended up beautifully transformed!
Because you need to know there’s hope and your journey is leading somewhere better. And I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be so hard...you don’t have to waste years of YOUR life in an anxiety trap.
I know for me, it wasn’t until I finally admitted I couldn’t figure it out on my own, that I reached out for therapy, and after 6 months of working with my ‘hero’ therapist Julie…I was back at the top of my world.
The panic attacks that had me in terror were GONE, and I was not only back to my old self, I was leaps and bounds beyond my former confidence levels.
They say everything happens for a reason. I believe my journey through anxiety led me to my true purpose. I trained as a psychotherapist and since starting my private practice I’ve helped thousands of people to overcome their own version of anxiety.
Now me and my team are here to offer you a hand of support and some finely tuned psychology strategies to get you back in control of your fear…and your life. It’s totally possible, even if you’ve suffered with anxiety for years and feel your situation is hopeless. Even if everything you’ve tried to date hasn’t worked, we’ll find a way to get you where you want to be.
I’m here to listen to your story.